Rating: 10
This horror mockumentary is so funny and entertaining. I enjoyed every minute of it.
Behind the Mask is about a reporter and her two crewmen following around and filming an up-and-coming new killer who's dream is to become the next Freddy Kreuger or Michael Myers (in this world these guys are real). He explains, in a refreshingly open and sincere way, what it takes to do what he does. He takes them through it step by step, from picking out a victim, the set-up and the eventual killing itself. Many well loved horror movies are alluded too. I loved the playful nod to all the rules and conventions in the horror genre.
The acting is really great. Nathan Baesel did a fantastic job playing our aspiring killer Vernon. The character of Leslie Vernon is very likable, which makes it so amusing that he's a killer. He's so charming that he even gets the reporter to participate a bit (think Man Bites Dog). All the acting in this is entirely natural and believable.
The first two thirds of the movie are the reporter interviewing Leslie and him basically showing the reporter and crew the ropes. The final part is all slasher flick. Behind the Mask is a must see for all fans of the horror genre.
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