What it's about:
Shia LaBeouf (CONSTANTINE, I, ROBOT) is a young talent to be reckoned with, as he demonstrates in this genre-spanning film from director D.J. Caruso. Part teenage romantic comedy, part horror flick, DISTURBIA stars LaBeouf as the troubled Kale, who is confined to his home under house arrest after he punches out his Spanish teacher in the middle of class. Kale’s array of available diversions dwindle considerably after his mom (Carrie Ann Moss, MEMENTO) shuts off his X-Box and his i-Tunes, and he turns to voyeurism instead, carefully noting the daily activities of his neighbors. These include the swimming schedule of the hot girl who just moved in next door, Ashley (Sarah Roemer, THE GRUDGE 2), whom he ogles with his best friend, the class clown, Ronnie (Aaron Yoo, THE BEDFORD DIARIES). When Ashley unexpectedly shows up and wants to know what the boys are doing behind their binoculars, they concoct a story about their neighbor, Mr. Turner (David Morse, PROOF OF LIFE), and their suspicions that he is the serial killer currently on the loose. The teens’ subsequent stakeout makes them increasingly convinced that this is in fact the case, and their creepy interactions with Turner bring them ever closer to learning the dark secret that lies inside his impenetrable suburban existence. Despite a slight identity crisis and distracting product placements, DISTURBIA is carried by the strong performance of its lead character, and manages to charm with its portrayal of young love. - taken from Rottentomatoes.com
My thoughts:
This is a pretty good movie. It's got some suspenseful moments (but not enough and mostly at the end) and some lighthearted moments. I probably wouldn't have enjoyed the movie as much had Shia LaBeouf not been in it. He's adorable and very talented! I love the idea of this movie. The plot seems very Hitchcockian. I know they added the sexy girl next door, young love element to appeal to a younger audience but I think they overdid it just a little bit. I think he should have spied on her a little less and the killer a little more. It's not too unbalanced though and I know they had to show him spying on all his neighbors. I think they cast the suspicious neighbor, played by David Morse, perfectly. He did a great job in this role! I just feel like this movie is missing something and I can't quite put my finger on it. Overall, I say it's a moderately good thriller.
I thought I might like this movie too. Thanks for having this movie blog, I can trust your judgment on movies. I might not rush out and rent it but maybe one of these days...keep up the good work!
On a side note: Has anyone seen Death Proof?All I can say is...dumb!
Yeah you might like this movie. I liked it, I just didn't love it.
As for Death Proof, I wanted to see it. So it's not good? That's a bummer.
Well, it has a lot of mean bitches in it but I didn't like the acting at all, and Kurt Russell was just too weird in that role.
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